Info Board

Welcome to Chubby's Webpage (Chubby Squirrel's Website)! I made this website in 2018 for a platform on which to post articles about personal experiences and hobbies. Since then, I've learned a lot about design and website development languages such as HTML and CSS. I'm still updating my website and adding new articles as I gain new experiences. I hope you enjoy the site, any maybe learn something new from it.

It's very likely that you have heard of the dinosaurs that once roamed our very own planet Earth. Maybe you've seen depictions of a T-Rex in movies, or at a theme park you visited. However, you probably don't have a remnant of one of these ancient creatures in your house, just lying around...

I don't know if you've heard of, or, should I say, heard brood X cicadas so far this year. I had no considerable knowledge of them at all until they literally arrived at my doorstep! Brood X (the Roman numeral for 10) is a generation of cicadas that only emerge once every 17 years...

If you like mountains, oceans, caves, or rivers, Taroko Gorge National Park in Hualien, Taiwan, is definitely a place that you'll want to visit. The national park's namesake was created by the flowing waters of the Liwu river. Today, the waters are still flowing, clear and strong as ever...

A picture I captured at the National Arboretum in D.C.

Location Spotlight

Devil's Golfcourse

The above picture was taken during my trip to Death Valley National Park back in the spring of 2019. The jagged rocks and the barren, hostile landscape in general make this location distinct. Although there is an altogether lack of vibrancy and color, there is a sense of tranquility (provided there aren't too many tourists around), the effect of only being able to see salt rock flats nearly identical to the one pictured above for as far as the eye can see. Tourists can saunter about this "golfcourse", examining the peculiar formations which make up this unwelcoming putting green. The hunks of rock you see are actually pieces of rock salt, which have been eroded over the millions of years for which they've been present. This is perhaps one of my favorite locations in Death Valley, if only for its uniqueness.